The influence of diet in causing and preventing physiological and psychological disorders is well established, as is the importance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in maintaining health. Nutritionists go one step further by using diet and nutritional supplements to treat and prevent illness. They look for nutritional deficiencies, food allergies and intolerances, and for […]
Research on Calorie Restriction
Calorie restriction (CR), or caloric restriction, is a dietary regimen that is based on low calorie intake. “Low” can be defined relative to the subject’s previous intake before intentionally restricting calories, or relative to an average person of similar body type. CR has been shown to work in a variety of species, among them yeast, […]
Vitamin Detoxification Therapy
In the broadest sense, vitamin therapy is the use of vitamins to prevent or cure disease. In contrast, vitamin detoxification therapy is detoxification with vitamins, primarily antioxidants. The use of antioxidants is generally recommended as an ongoing, daily regimen when well-being is in anyway compromised. Some vitamins, such as C and E, are antioxidant nutrients […]
Eating Disorders and Gender
Of all psychiatric disorders, eating disorders impact nutrition more than any other. Eating disorders include extreme attitudes, emotions and behaviors surrounding both food and weight issues. They include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. All are serious emotional and physical problems that can have devastating effects and life-threatening consequences. Eating disorders affect both […]