The Natural Hygiene Handbook provides up-to-date facts on how to achieve vibrant health through healthful living. This handbook is indispensable for everyone who wants to be truly healthy. Complete introduction to this revolutionary health system, including the Natural Hygiene diet, fasting, vegan recipes, and the history of Natural Hygiene.
Orthopathy or Natural Hygiene is a set of alternative medical beliefs and practices originating from the Nature Cure movement. Proponents claim that fasting, dieting, and other lifestyle measures are all that is necessary to prevent and treat disease.
Natural Hygiene, throughout its history, has attracted and inspired unique and special individuals to rise to the very summit of human performance. This movement attracted doctors who were educated and trained in a variety of different backgrounds, including naturopathy, chiropractic, osteopathy, and conventional medical doctors. The primary methods in natural hygiene were dietary, including vegetarianism and fasting.
Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student of Natural Hygiene, I cannot think of a more comprehensive handbook or a better guide to the philosophy, principles, and practices of health.
Author: James M. Lennon
Year of Release: 1996