Nutrition Psychology: Improving Dietary Adherence presents prominent psychological theories that are known to drive human eating behavior, and reveal how these models can be transformed into proactive strategies for adhering to healthy dietary regimens.
The number of diet books in the trade market continues to rise daily, but what is interesting to note is obesity and the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes continues to rise as well. From this evidence, we can deduce that these dietary approaches are not fully effective.
One could say that there is a missing link between eating a healthy prescribed diet and maintaining that final goal. The missing link, which has been overlooked until now, is managing one s compliance to their diet or health plan.
This text provides psychological tools regarding how to maintain the intended dietary plan. Understanding the extent to which the brain, the situation/environment and biology play in our adherence to a healthy dietary regimen, long-term success adhering to a dietary regimen can be achieved.
The book offers a cross-disciplinary perspective/solution for adhering to a healthy dietary program, valuable to a variety of healthcare students and practitioners. The text incorporates both a theoretical and applied approach. Case study examples further illustrate the correct application of psychological methods. These examples will help develop the student or practitioner’s own self-diagnosing skills of appropriate eating strategies as well as understanding others.
Authors: Melinda Blackman, Colleen Kvaska
Year of Release: 2010