Guided imagery therapy is a cognitive behavioral technique in which a client is guided through imagining a relaxing scene or series of experiences. Guided imagery reduces stress by effecting the part of the brain that is responsible for processing imagery. This in turn releases brain chemicals that act as the body’s natural brain tranquilizers, lowering […]
Good Nutrition Can Reduce Stress
Stress and anxiety can be aggravated not only by what you eat, but the way you eat. Any of the following habits can aggravate your daily level of stress: Eating too fast or on the run Not chewing food at least 15-20 times per mouthful Eating too much to the point of feeling stuffed or […]
Fasting and Asthma
Fasting has long been associated with asthma, although not always in a curative way. The ancient practice of Ayurveda contends that excessive fasting can cause asthma, particularly in conjunction with other habits, such as over-eating and consuming cold foods. Ayurveda also recommends water-only fasting as a treatment for asthma, but in intervals of three days […]
New Optimum Nutrition for the Mind
How we think and feel is directly affected by what we take into our bodies. Eating the right food has been proven to boost IQ, improve mood and emotional stability, sharpen the memory, and keep the mind young. Similarly, the harmful things we take into our bodies, or anti-nutrients-including oxidants, alcohol, sugar, and stimulants-negatively impact […]